Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer sit amet ex quis nisi auctor mollis. Phasellus nec nunc sit amet purus mattis sodales. Morbi lectus nunc, tincidunt dapibus sem vitae, porttitor ornare leo. Fusce elit augue, rhoncus sed finibus non, faucibus id tellus. Pellentesque nec justo ex. Praesent nec velit at mauris ultrices bibendum. Fusce fringilla, magna eu bibendum ornare, lacus sapien ornare est, egestas semper urna orci lobortis massa. Maecenas sed ultrices ex, sed cursus orci. Donec orci massa, rhoncus vitae elit sed, tempor gravida nunc. Aenean id iaculis risus, ut interdum mauris. Nunc ac rutrum justo. Praesent eleifend, nunc ac cursus vestibulum, odio nulla fringilla nisl, eu laoreet quam orci eget libero. Maecenas sollicitudin felis nunc, dignissim iaculis est iaculis ut.
this is his freaking theme song
no freaking way a new character adopted from https://toyhou.se/fizzije . his toyhouse profile is here if you wanna draw fanart https://toyhou.se/27390215.sugar-crash smells like way too much candy staying near them causes sugar crashes and hallucinations only those that are resistant or made of sugar can approach them… they can cause hallucinations dizzyness fainting and other things due to their high levels of sugar